Ordinary Heroes & Our Freedom, A Tribute to Bassel Shehadeh and Shady Habash, By Moulham M, Syria
I have never written in defence of a Syrian writer,
a cartoonist
a director, actor or human rights activist
My heart was always with them
But I was afraid to write
I fear the expression,
Not just for myself
But for my family
In Damascus we say:
He who does not fear God, fear him!
But my fear wasn’t the only reason,
There was something else that stopped me from expressing
I did not see myself in these activists
A selfish part of me convinced me that they were different
Brave legends understand the meaning of life
Or crazy, mindless,
Just as there are football lovers
Or for Star Wars
There are those who love revolutions and uprisings
Supports the weak in all the world
oppressed or, oppressor.
Only twice during these ten years
I felt that I was the one arrested
I was the one who was killed
Bassel Shehadeh was the first of them
Perhaps because we studied at the University of Damascus
And we dreamed of studying directing abroad
I wanted to go to France and he wanted to go to the states
He was four years older than me
we both applied to the Dox Box Film Festival in Damascus
My film did not pass the first stage of the selections
His film won the first prize
He received a scholarship to study cinema in an American university,
But he went to Homs instead,
He expected to make his best film
Bassel was a prominent advocate of nonviolence and peace,
He was killed while still believing in this idea.
The second time I cried,
Two days ago,
Shadi Habash,
Egyptian young filmmaker,
Twenty-two years old,
He was an ambitious, mature person.
A young man in his early twenties, full of dreams
He was the main photographer for the Red Bull commercials in Egypt,
A director and photographer in some of Mashrou’ Laila’s parties,
Sure, he would have a promising future
Shadi was not busy with politics
An ordinary person. Like me, thinks about himself and his success
He just didn’t care,
he knew the situation was bad
His friend in America asked him
To make him a video clip
For a song that mocks the president of Egypt
The belief was among the Egyptian youth
Two years ago
That Sisi will leave
Like the one before him
And the one before the one before him..
But Shadi got arrested
He was beaten
And he said it out loud
“I’m dying slowly”
Like me, everyone was afraid to talk about him,
He shouted.
“I’m standing alone in front of everything. I know that a lot of friends who love me are afraid to write about me, thinking I will be released anyway without their support. ”
But we did not support him
He did not get released, as he promised
He died,
like in movies,
like William Wallace in BraveHeart
and we
the cowards
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