YaLa Poetry | ”And wondering about our persistence to live” By Mohammed M, Gaza, Palestine
Author: By Mohammed M, Gaza, PalestinePublished:
Categories: in Art, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, Current Events, English, Human Rights, Identity, Israel-Palestine, Palestine
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Tags: gaza, gazalove, gazayouth, palestine, poetry
I went to the market, for an emergency. Quickly, I got dressed. I don’t know why I didn’t look back at the mirror this time, As I usually do. Habitually I check myself in the mirror once and twice Before I go out. This has nothing to do with my looks. But, I am used […]
Life Story by S. from Gaza, Palestine
Published:Categories: in Conflict & Peacebuilding, English, Human Rights
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: gaza, gazalove, gazawar, gazayouth, hope, love, palestine, Travel, younglove, youth
In 2012 I traveled to Egypt with my brother and stayed in Moqtam. When I was there I learnt a new principle in life: First of all, I learnt how to deal with people from different backgrounds. For example, I made friendships with Christian girls. I loved all of them, I learnt how I could […]
YaLa Young Leaders
Envisioned by Ambassador Uri Savir, YaLa Young Leaders work together to create and enact a new regional vision of freedom, equality, prosperity, and peace. Following the 2011 Arab Spring events, Amb. Savir was inspired by how a regional exchange of ideas through social media by young people encouraged change in the region.