Deal of the Century: Why We Refuse! By Mazen, Palestine
Author: By Mazen, PalestinePublished:
Categories: in Conflict & Peacebuilding, Current Events, Democracy, English, Human Rights, Israel-Palestine, Palestine, Politics
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Tags: corruption, Dealofthecentury, israel-palestine, IsraelPalestine, news, opinion, palestine, politics, USpeaceplan
Actually, I am not exactly sure why we are refusing it; however, when digging deeper into Palestinian media parties you will find a kind of Schizophrenia. Let me tell you how! We, as Palestinians, are divided into political, social, economic and religious groups, therefore we still do not know what we want or need, and […]
It’s a Matter of Perspectives by Elianne Kremer, Israel
Author: Elianne Kremer, IsraelPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, Democracy, Education, English, Friendship, Identity, Israel, Israel-Palestine, Life Style, Tolerance
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: israel-palestine, meditation, stories, terror
Six months after I arrived to Israel, I was living in Jerusalem and the terrorist attacks began. I didn’t really understand what was going on. People were afraid, it was possible to feel the discomfort in public spaces, in the bus mainly. Nobody wanted to be there, as if the expectancy of a terrorist attack […]
A Palestinian refugee, between the hammer of pain and the anvil of hope Chapter I, My Family: The pain just started by Sam A, Palestine
Author: Sam A, PalestinePublished:
Categories: in Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, Current Events, English, Human Rights, Identity, Israel-Palestine, Palestine, Tolerance, YaLa Poetry
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: israel-palestine, palestine, palestinianrefugees, refugeecamp, refugees
1948. This is the year when my family was first displaced from our homeland in Beer Sheva. It happened during the war, our house and farm were looted in cold blood. My grandfather passed away 10 years ago. He always told me it was a good life before the war, living as Bedouins and moving […]
Remembering Together, By Noa Bar
Published:Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Current Events, English, Friendship, Identity, Tolerance
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: ceremony, conflict, israel, israel-palestine, Nakba, palestine, peace activism, rememberence day, yom hazikaron
In this piece there are no intentions to compare the struggles of the two peoples. Both Palestinians and Israelis have had traumatic experiences. Both encompass a tremendous pain, which I do not intend to compare, assess or belittle. Both have youth who carry a very heavy weight on their shoulders, designed by nationalism, history, tradition […]
YaLa Young Leaders
Envisioned by Ambassador Uri Savir, YaLa Young Leaders work together to create and enact a new regional vision of freedom, equality, prosperity, and peace. Following the 2011 Arab Spring events, Amb. Savir was inspired by how a regional exchange of ideas through social media by young people encouraged change in the region.