Gaza from the Inside Out by Husam, Palestine
Author: By Husam, Gaza, PalestinePublished:
Categories: in Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, Current Events, Education, English, Human Rights, Identity, Israel-Palestine, Life Style, Palestine, Travel
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: education, gaza, Life in Gaza, Travel, warandconflict
How does life look outside of Gaza?! I have always asked myself what a young man in his twenties – exactly like me – is doing in another part of the world? How will I get through my twenties without having tried great experiences? I haven’t tried to jump from a plane, camp in nature, […]
You Say Palestinian Like its a Bad Thing | Heba, Palestine
Published:Categories: in English, Identity
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: Citizenship, Life in Gaza, Palestinians, Travel
I was only 7 years old when I first got the chance to travel abroad to somewhere beyond my little home called Gaza City, Palestine. It was one of the most amazing things that ever happened to my family and I. We got our visas and tickets to visit family in Sydney, Australia for our three-month long […]
Strawberry Power of Life | Salsabeel, Gaza
Published:Categories: in Past Special Editions
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: Inspiration, Life in Gaza
Being under pressure for weeks can be stressful. In the morning, I have to go to work. In the evening, I have to do my housework. Then at night, I have to prepare my applications to study my MA abroad. For weeks, I was in the same circle. I didn’t have time to meet friends […]
YaLa Young Leaders
Envisioned by Ambassador Uri Savir, YaLa Young Leaders work together to create and enact a new regional vision of freedom, equality, prosperity, and peace. Following the 2011 Arab Spring events, Amb. Savir was inspired by how a regional exchange of ideas through social media by young people encouraged change in the region.