‘The Land of Deceptive Utopia’ by Sahar Amarir, Morocco

tumblr_inline_n8p5nitfuo1sag8l3I love a land, the land of deceptive utopia.

It is a land at the crossroads of civilizations, the land of lemon and olive trees, of milk and honey, of the bride of the sea and the white city, of the shrine of the friend and the golden holy city. It’s a land whose sweetness tastes bitter, where the body feels light and the soul heavy.

I love a land, the land of deceptive utopia.

A land where war-mongers are trusted to bring peace and where pacifists are the bad omen of war and destruction

A land where those who refuse to risk endangering you are the traitors and those ready to sacrifice you at the altar of their cause are the protectors.

It is a land where it is believed that peace brings war and war brings peace, where cowardice is bravery and bravery is treachery, where cowards are heroes and heroes cowards.

It is a land where we’re ready to have others die for us to live, where we’re ready to kill but don’t want to be killed. Where we sanctify life with death, peace with war, love with hate and strength with weakness.

A land where weaponry defines human strength, where the real mental human strength is weakness, where the tongue is silenced by the metal’s talk.

It is land where those who love life kill, where humanity is idealism and inhumanity realistic, where those who stand up for peace die and those who stand to kill live.

It is a land where we hold grudges about countries, institutions and attitudes, where we want revenge against history, humiliation and loss. Where we close our hearts but want others to open it, where we open our eyes but refuse to see.

It is a land where pain and suffering are exclusive, where feelings cannot be shared, where fear is used to overcome dialogue, where people believe oppression is justified and dignity is merely secondary.

I love a land, the land of deceptive utopia.

It is a land where those who claim to want peace somehow always support wars.

A land where all of this is normal for many, where rejecting this cynicism is utopia.

I love a land where too many have yet to realize that believing this and still wishing for peace, security, freedom and dignity is the real utopia.

I love a land full of deceptions, the land of deceptive utopia.

But…I love a land that for all is the land of the roots, the land of traditions and forefathers, the land of happiness. The land of expectations. The land of past, present and future.

I love a land, and that is the land of the undying and resilient hope.


YaLa Young Leaders

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