Opinion| I wish I did not have to write #Save_Sheikh_Jarrah, By P, Israel
Author: By P, IsraelPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Current Events, English, Israel, Israel-Palestine, Opinion and Analysis, Politics
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: Eviction, jerusalem, middle east, Middle East voices, MiddleEast, Save_Sheikh_Jarrah, Sheikh_Jarrah, stop the violence
I wish I did not have to write this. I wish I did not have to share about me, because the last thing I want is to make this about me. I wish I did not have to take a stand. I wish families could live in their homes and feel safe there, without having […]
Behind #ChallengeAccepted campaign; anger over the increasing femicides in Turkey and the Istanbul Convention
Author: By Zeynep, Turkey | OpinionPublished:
Categories: in Analysis, Civil Activism, Gender and LGBTQ, Human Rights, Life Style, Opinion and Analysis, Politics, Tolerance
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: change, femicides, feminist, Movement, Society, turkey
This summer social media feeds were stormed by black-and-white selfies of women with the hashtag of #ChallengeAccepted and #WomenEmpowerment and the users got more curious about the campaign as many celebrities joined the campaign and it went viral. #ChallengeAccepted hashtag and selfie format were first used in 2016 to raise awareness about cancer. This time, […]
Essay I The Two State Solution Between Palestine and Israel, by Al Mahdi, Palestine.
Author: Al MahdiPublished:
Categories: in Analysis, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Current Events, Democracy, Development, English, Human Rights, Identity, Israel-Palestine, Opinion and Analysis, Palestine, Politics
Comments: 0 Comments
The current solution for Israel and Palestine suggests that Palestinians ought to have their state, separate from Israel. In this way, a ‘Two-State’ solution might be reached. The method by which such a solution could be implemented involves a technical division of land with walls, earth mounds, roadblocks and fences. This article discusses the so-called […]
Opinion | Penal Code 1943, Article 534, at the heart of the uprising, by Ibrahim A, Lebanon
Author: By Ibrahim A, LebanonPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Democracy, English, Gender and LGBTQ, Identity, Lebanon, Opinion and Analysis, Politics, Religion, Tolerance
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: beirut, justice, LGBTQ, LGBTQrights, Penal Code, uprising
In 1943, Lebanon gained its independence from the French. Originally enacted by French colonizers, article 534 was put while drafting the new Lebanese constitution, stating that any ‘sexual intercourse against nature’ is a crime under the sovereignty of the Lebanese government, with a penalty of up to one-year imprisonment. Such a vague law with no […]
YaLa Young Leaders on the Israeli Educational Channel – Kan 23 | by Dalya, Israel and Abdullah, Palestine
Author: by Dalya, Israel and Abdullah, PalestinePublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Friendship, Israel-Palestine, Jordan, Palestine, Politics
Comments: 0 Comments
YaLa-Young Leaders Alumni Dalya and Abdullah giving a perfect example of what joint efforts for peace can look like! Dalya, a Jewish Israeli, and Abdullah, a Muslim Palestinian, were invited to talk about YaLa and prospects for peace with the remarkable Lucy Aharish, who’s an Arab-Israeli herself, on Israeli TV-channel KAN 23. By the way, […]
Opinion| Unpopular Thoughts About Peace, by M, Syria
Author: By M, SyriaPublished:
Categories: in Conflict & Peacebuilding, Current Events, English, Identity, Israel, Israel-Palestine, Opinion and Analysis, Palestine, Politics, Religion, Syria
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: Arab World, Deal of the Century, Dealofthecentury, Middle East voices, trump, US peace deal
Last Tuesday, President Trump released his “deal of the century” for Middle East peace. I couldn’t help but share with you my thoughts loudly. But who am I speaking to? Maybe to the Palestinians in the first place, because the ball of peace now is in their court. Why? Perhaps to understand, it […]
Opinion| Foreign peace plans are not the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, By Dvir Aviam, Israel
Author: By Dvir Aviam, IsraelPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Current Events, English, Human Rights, Israel, Israel-Palestine, Palestine, Politics
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: Deal of the Century, Middle East Peace Plan, peace, trump, United States
As an Israeli, I felt the collective gratitude and jubilant mood prevalent in the Israeli society after the white house announced their new peace plan, effectively validating Israeli claims for 30% of the Israeli occupied territories. As a peace activist, however, I felt disappointed that our long term goal- two states solution according to the […]
Opinion | The Isolation of West Bank Palestinian Women by Aida Zsófia, Palestine
Author: Aida Zsófia, PalestinePublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, English, Gender and LGBTQ, Human Rights, Israel, Israel-Palestine, Opinion and Analysis, Palestine, Politics, Religion, Tolerance
Comments: 0 Comments
Recently, the murder of Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year-old Palestinian girl from Bethlehem turned the spotlight on the situation of Palestinian women, the spatial isolation of them in the West Bank and the phenomena standing behind it. Generally, with regards to the situation of the Palestinian women there are two determining arguments. Some people might say […]
Opinion | Do Right by Those who are Already a Part of Us by Inbal, Israel
Author: Inbal Baron, IsraelPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, Current Events, Democracy, English, Human Rights, Israel, Opinion and Analysis, Politics, Sudan, Tolerance, כללי
Comments: 0 Comments
A week before the September elections, ynet published an article focusing on the policies of the various political parties concerning the immigration issue. Representing the Likud party in the article, was May Golan, who had led the struggle to deport African asylum seekers (“infiltrators”) and who became an MK in the period between the April […]
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Opinion | The Real deal of the century – Mondial 2022 and a regional emergency climate and peace plan by Matai, Israel
Author: Matai Ben Aharon, IsraelPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, English, Environment, Israel, Life Style, Opinion and Analysis, Palestine, Politics, Saudi Arabia, Tolerance
Comments: 0 Comments
Today it is known that global warming is a fact. The latest alarming reports by the IPCC (Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change) and the IPBES(Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) are suggesting , alongside civil protest movements, cities and countries, that the world is now in an actual climate emergency. Still the main contributor to this climate crisis, […]
Opinion | The Time to Ban Nuclear Weapons is Now by Tomas, Sweden
Author: Tomas, SwedenPublished:
Categories: in Conflict & Peacebuilding, English, Human Rights, Opinion and Analysis, Politics
Comments: 0 Comments
In 2017, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) was awarded the Nobel Peace Price ”for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition on such weapons”. The treaty referred to by the Norwegian Nobel Committee […]
Kurdish Tragedy: The Ugly, the Bad & the Good by Pablo, Mexico
Author: Pablo Q Zepeda, MexicoPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, Current Events, Democracy, English, Human Rights, Identity, Kurdistan, Politics, Syria
Comments: 0 Comments
Tags: Kurdish from Syria, Kurdistan, Kurds
I am writing about a group of human beings in the Middle East, that conforms around 30 and 40 million people, who live in a diaspora calculated in a number close to one million and a half people. The people I am referring to are the Kurds. While I was studying for my Bachelors in International Relations at ITESO University in Guadalajara, Mexico, […]
Opinion | Muslim Women and the Hijab : To Save or not to Save by Rima ahsissene, Morocco
Author: By Rima ahsissene, MoroccoPublished:
Categories: in Culture and Heritage, Current Events, English, Gender and LGBTQ, Identity, Life Style, Morocco, Opinion and Analysis, Politics, Religion, Tolerance
Comments: 0 Comments
Hijab: the headscarf worn by some Muslim women Last week, in France a mother accompanying her son on a field trip in Dijon was publicly and loudly asked to remove her Hijab by a far-right politician of the local assembly[i]. And last month, a teacher in a school in Montreal had two choices either remove […]
Photo Essay | Live Reporting from the Solidarity Protest for Lebanon in Paris by Moulham, Syria/Paris
Author: Moulham, Syria/ParisPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Current Events, Democracy, Lebanon, Photo Essays, Politics
Comments: 0 Comments
It’s not the fist time the Lebanese protest in streets, Lebanon is different from the other Arab countries, in Lebanon people can vote freely but the problem is with their political system. The Lebanese say they had the first revolution in the Arab world before Tunisia, when they kicked the Syrian army out of Lebanon […]
Kayayai by Day, Prostitute by Night by Theodora Aido, Ghana
Author: Theodora Aido, GhanaPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Education, English, Gender and LGBTQ, Ghana, Politics, כללי
Comments: 0 Comments
Abena, a fourteen (14) year old teenage girl, is the fifth child of eight (8) children born to her parents in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region of Ghana. She travelled to Kumasi in April 2015 with the hope of a better standard of living. She narrated how she was inspired by other very young […]
YaLa Poetry | The Ones Who Lead Us to the Troubles, Who? by Mahmoud H, Palestine
Author: Mahmoud H, PalestinePublished:
Categories: in Art, Civil Activism, Current Events, English, Israel, Israel-Palestine, Palestine, Politics, YaLa Poetry, כללי
Comments: 0 Comments
The ones who lead us to the troubles, who? Now I am going to tell you bro The problem is not the two fighting kids The problem is with the greedy elders Even though they get grey and bold They are like mountains, selfish, and solid Yes, they remain Like this mountain With this selfish […]
Opinion | Tunisian Elections: Between the Devil and Deep Blue Sea by Nourjahen Jemaa Gara-Ali, Tunisia
Author: Nourjahen Jemaa Gara-Ali, TunisiaPublished:
Categories: in Civil Activism, Current Events, English, Gender and LGBTQ, Human Rights, Opinion and Analysis, Politics, Tunisia
Comments: 0 Comments
On the International Day of Democracy, September 15th, Tunisia had its Presidential Elections. Voters went to their polling locations to give their voices to the person they trust most. However, voter turnout reached only 45,02% despite 1 million people registering to vote in the months leading to the elections, according to the Independent High Authority […]
Opinion | Israeli Elections: The Fallacy of the Biggest Party by Itamar Hauser, Israel
Author: Itamar Hauser, IsraelPublished:
Categories: in Democracy, English, Identity, Israel, Opinion and Analysis, Politics
Comments: 0 Comments
For the first time in its history, Israel will go for a second election to parliament on September 17th, 2019, after the last elections’ results, from April 2019, and the following negotiations between the parties did not yield a 61-strong majority coalition in a 120 seat parliament. Personally, I used to be more active during […]
YaLa CineClub: The Spy by M, Syria
Author: M, Syrian filmmakerPublished:
Categories: in Art, Conflict & Peacebuilding, Culture and Heritage, English, Israel, Life Style, Politics, Syria, YaLa CineClub
Comments: 0 Comments
I have just finished watching the first two episodes of a TV program called ‘The Spy’. These new series relates the story of the Israeli spy, Eli Cohen. I have been waiting to broadcast it as soon as Netflix announced the series. I was very curious to hear the story of this dangerous spy from […]
YaLa Young Leaders
Envisioned by Ambassador Uri Savir, YaLa Young Leaders work together to create and enact a new regional vision of freedom, equality, prosperity, and peace. Following the 2011 Arab Spring events, Amb. Savir was inspired by how a regional exchange of ideas through social media by young people encouraged change in the region.