Change-Makers Meet at the Dead Sea, by Rahma Sghaier, from Tunisia

rahma I finally arrived at the Dead Sea, after it seemed that I was not going to be able to make it. For a while, it seemed like leaving Tunis would be like “mission impossible”. But YaLa insisted on having me and I insisted on being there, even if it meant I would be late. Finally Saturday morning, I was there. I rushed to the workshop room to meet my YaLa family! I was so excited to meet all the beautiful leaders that I came to know thanks to YaLa. These people had come from all corners of our region. As I opened the door, without any prior knowledge about it, I found myself in front of Mira Awad! I couldn’t even say hello to my peers, I just took a seat and let myself be taken under the spell of this exceptional human being. I was blown away by her presence, her charisma, her energy, and her humor. I came for YaLa, and I found YaLa reincarnated since the first second I arrived there – a strong believer in peace, defying everyone and everything in order to express her thoughts; an artist with a colorful mind and endless perspectives. When the workshop was over, I was more than ready to embrace everyone and let myself drown in the warmth of my family, in the beauty of our cultural diversity, and the strength that ties us each one to another – the aspiration for a better, more peaceful, and more prosperous region. Passion united us – the passion of writing for peace. I was able to see it in their words and in their reactions. Sharing an online learning experience with these young citizen journalists was outstanding, and meeting them face-to-face was fulfilling. Our few hours together were more than productive. I went back home hopeful, motivated, and with a promise to work harder together, and to grow more and more in the region – starting with the launch of YaLa Press*! #‎ItsYaLaTime

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