Dalia, Palestine – photo essay –

“Gaza Sky Geeks Leading Women Empowerment in The World”

My name is Dalia and I’m the social media coordinator at Gaza Sky Geeks, the one and only startup accelerator in the Gaza Strip. As a tech-business hub we are interested in empowering creative youth, especially women- we help them develop their ideas to create successful businesses.

< p style=”text-align:justify;”>GSG society is almost 50% women as we believe that empowering one man is empowering an individual BUT empowering one woman means empowering a whole family. Why is empowering women so important? Because women face many problems in the Arab region, among them: educational problems, traditional barriers, ignorance, low confidence and gender prejudice.
How does GSG empower women? We have our own programs for empowering women and encourage them to be more involved in the STEM fields, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, in addition to other programs in coordination with other organizations like: Geekettes, Technovation and TechWomen.
We make sure that 50% of our participants in all events are women varying in age. These efforts and hardworking got us the first place around the world in women empowerment with 48.2% in 2014.
When we moved to a new place last month, we made sure that we have some feminist paintings.
There for I believe that GSG is the most women friendly entrepreneurial tech-hub in the world!

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