Life is a chance, chase it! by Hannen, Palestine

Haneen PalestineBetween the first breath we take and the last breath, the life in between is full of chances.

When we come to this world, it’s our chance to live and live well. When we meet people, it’s our chance to know them and to make friends – to share part of our life with them, and to spend amazing moments with them, full of peace and love. It’s our chance to find a place in their heart, and to leave a positive impact on their lives.

In the different stages of life, the concept of “chance” varies. That’s what I realized through the passing of time and the changes in the stages of my life, even though I have only lived in this world for 20 years.
What led me to realize this is seeing and hearing peoples’ stories and the different situations that have happened to me. I didn’t discover the value of things in this life as a “chance” until I experienced the feeling of losing things and people. I didn’t realize the value of health and life until I saw one of my relatives suffering from cancer, which ended in death. I then realized that it’s my chance to stay healthy and  to chase every moment with happiness and kindness for the people around me, as much as I can.

It changed my perspective of thinking about life and what it contains. When I wasn’t doing well in a drawing class in university and my teacher told me that I might fail, I lost hope and I felt that I was a loser. But when I returned to my house and practiced hard, I succeeded. After that, I realized the value of working hard and using the chance of free time to invest in something worthwhile and something that means a lot to me.

There are so many chances, but those two situations had the biggest affect on me, and taught me lessons that will stay with me throughout my life. I know that you or other people may be faced with situations harder than I faced, but the important thing is to take every chance you can to make your life better. There’s always a dawn after darkness, so we must always take things easy and positive, turn sadness into happiness, and turn failure into success. 
I hope you all stay in peace through your journey in this life.

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