As one year announces its end, another year, 2017, quickly approaches. As usual, many tend to make New Year’s resolutions around this time. Just like others, I have also made mine in anticipation of better days to come. However, I have decided to change things up a bit this time around. I want to commit to simple achievable aspirations for the next few months. Here is my list of New Year’s Commitments:
  • First, I commit to smiling more including people on the street, coworkers in the office, family, and friends whenever I meet them. I pledge to have a more positive attitude with those around me. I believe this would make life better and more peaceful in a way that could potentially change lives.
  • Second, I devote myself to focusing more by setting clear goals. Having a clear vision allows me to remain dedicated and devoted to the ambitions and plans that I have created. In addition, I will strive to surround myself with motivated and optimistic people who can make these tasks easier and more enjoyable.
  • Finally, in this upcoming year, I pledge to share more. My motto for 2017 is “Sharing is Caring”. I will share my knowledge, skills, and my time as much as possible with those who need it and ask for it. This way, I will contribute to the success of others in addition to my own and win the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from it all.
My plan is to make this New Year as positive as I can through my motivation and cheerfulness in hopes that it blesses others in turn. Happy New Year everyone and may your days be filled with constructive, cheerful, and gracious moments

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