Gafsa by Khaled Bouallegui – photo essay –

Away from politics and its interactions and close to the history and mysteries and what remained from it in this region is Gafsa. Historians agree that Gafsa is the gateway to the Sahara and the oldest city on the African continent, it’s among the oldest civilizations, dating back to nearly eight thousand years. Historians and archaeologists note that this civilization was known as the Capsian Civilization or Gafsian Civilization as this city since immemorial times was the center of civilization in Africa and its inhabitants were inclined to peace-loving and amended resistance to tyranny. But the most beautiful part when we talk about Gafsa is the peaceful coexistence throughout history. Gafsa city embraced all religions, where Christians, Muslims and Jews have lived since ancient times. The most beautiful moments of peace is when you see everybody in a row and there is no discrimination.

The historical memory of this region appears in each of the inhabitants who lived there, and the Jews and Christians in Gafsa are one of the region’s inhabitants – neighbors and friends working together and their kids played and studied together. Life was beautiful and simple. Gafsa was a place for living and stability. Those who remained in the region had numerous duties and concerns and notorious trade, as they were amongst the biggest traders in the region and monopolized the liberal professions and crafts.

But between yesterday and today there only remains some constructed buildings that reflect the history of these people through architecture and walls, building, homes in which they lived, and some old memories including the family names of some neighbors and some of the crafts that they left in this area. Today what is left from that history is only some of the memories and dates for today’s generation they inherited from their parents – beautiful stories telling the details of daily life of the population of different religions at that time.

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