Gaza….. I am free! by Feris Khder, Palestine

Looking at Gaza from the window of life, life in Gaza doesn’t help, serve, or support a free-man. Life in Gaza doesn’t know the rule of law, and it doesn’t add anything at all to positivity, rather it breaks everything within the gloomy view of life.

This is reality in the Gaza Strip after it has been overwhelmed by extremists, anti-humanists, and human rights violators. None enjoy freedom, not even the freedom of thought about seeking truth and justice. Alas, none can call for the democracy which would elevate the value of the words we agree or disagree upon.
In the Gaza Strip, you may wish to be something, but mostly you won’t be anything! If the aggravated situation calms down, don’t worry, it will soon get worse. Nothing is predictable but sorrow. So, what to say about the freedom of expression and opinion? imageI am Feris Khder, I have a Bachelors degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Science and Education, and I know from experience that some people don’t know a thing about education or freedom of speech, nor about other human rights or even, ironically, animal rights. I can say, as a decent social activist, that there are things that most people wouldn’t even be able to imagine the horribleness of. I make reports about people of special needs everywhere in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, I work as a propagandist for democracy, human rights, peace and anti-violence in the “outback” where people hardly know what dignity and humanity mean. Looking at the reality in the Gaza Strip, I only wish to live anywhere else but Gaza so I that I can do the job I love – volunteer for the sake of spreading democracy and freedoms. However, many don’t believe in those rights. On the contrary, many believe in what their party instructs. Unfortunately, the governing party has no sorrow in instructing its members to kill at once any opposition, or any freedom they don’t agree with.  In such a reality, it is easy to get arrested, murdered in cold blood, tortured, or have your freedom confiscated. I always try to maintain my determination to support peace and denounce killings of any type for any reason. As a volunteer in many human rights institutions, I call for democracy and the end to civilian killings everywhere. I also call for the freedom of journalism and denounce repressing journalists. My attitude got me into a lot of trouble; I was even a victim of oppression – the oppression I am used to denouncing. The latest violation I was a victim of is that I was arrested, charged and suspended from work, as well as subjected to house arrest by the hands of the extremist force of the governing party. Members of extremist forces were recruited to follow, chase, and stop – by any means possible – any opposition or any activist seeking the truth. They were programmed to hunt down any activist for human rights, equality, peace, democracy and freedom of expression in the Gaza Strip. Not only was I myself chased in reality, but I was also chased on the internet. My Facebook page and Twitter account were compromised by hackers as I document the governing party’s violation of human rights and freedoms on my social media accounts. What makes it even harder for me is that I am not able to leave Gaza for security reasons and for the aggravated political situation in Palestine. All people are born free and equal in rights and dignity and all people were blessed by having a mind and conscience by which they judge others. For a safe, democratic society, we have to accept others in order to enhance democracy and human dignity. However, in the Gaza Strip, it is alas the opposite. It is a place for extremism that downgrades the true value of being. Where justice should apply, reality in Gaza knows nothing about justice. Extreme rules, coming from extreme ideology which excludes the other, can never pave a way for peace or democracy, they serve nothing except the violation of all human principles. Feris Khder, YaLa Young Leaders

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