Let the Bad People Be Your Reason For Success by Cheikhrouhou Cyrine, Tunisia

In my second year in the university, I met him and we fell in love. We had our good and bad moments just like any other couples, we had our dreams and our tears but we were happy together. We lived in our world for two years, until his mother entered to this world. She refused me and was against our relationship because for her, I don’t have a fair skin. He tried to convince her to accept me and let us live our dream, but facing the refusal of his father too, he just abandoned me. I was very sad and depressed – I spent months in my room blaming myself and hating my color. Until then, I had never thought that people in Tunisia were racist like that. I became friend with my loneliness and pain. After seven months of hatred and depression, I started to ask myself: Why people who think like that should have a lot of attention from me? Why should I let these kinds of people choose my life and my way for me? Why should I hate my skin and myself when I should hate those mentalities? Why should I make them happy by stealing mine away? I decided to love me and share the love with all the human beings, to be happy and to smile all the time, to be me and love that me.

So, I decided to be an active, creative, and crazy person. I have became a member in a lot of associations, I have started focusing on my career, and I have done a lot of volunteering work and humanitarian projects. Here I am today, making change in others’ life, making impact, inspiring others and sharing love. So be happy, love yourself, smile, dance and never let the bad persons kill your soul, let them be the reason of your success!

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