My Dream Came True by Doaa, Gaza

At the beginning of 2014 I asked my friend what she wished for this year. She answered me and asked me the same question and I told her all my wishes and that the biggest wish for me is to visit Jerusalem and pray in Al AQSA Mosque. I knew that this dream would come true one day, but I didn’t know that day would be on 23/1/2014 – “the Workshop’s Day”. Preparing myself, I was excited to see Jerusalem for the first time not on TV. The day I waited for came; I met my friends in the program and then we went to cross the border. We faced many problems there, but finally we got the chance to get out of Gaza to visit Jerusalem and I was extremely happy. We arrived to the hotel very late and the workshop was finished. In addition, there was no time to stay; we had to go back to Irez “the border” because it closes at 7:00 PM and if we did not make it we would face a problem because our permission was only available for one day. Then we ran very fast to reach Al Aqsa. When I saw the Dome of the Rock “Qobbet Al Sakhra”, my crazy friend Sahar and I shouted very loudly because we were so happy and couldn’t believe ourselves. We finished praying which was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt in my life. I left my heart there, and one day I will be back there, my lovely Jerusalem, INSHALLAH.

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