Photo Essay | A Quest for Freedom

Wouldn’t it be odd, if someday you stepped out of your little corner, out of the mist that’s been invading your existence and just rushed into the world without any precautions or early arrangements? Wouldn’t it surprise you to come across various facts that you’ve been ignoring for so long? How chilling it might be to discover a place where the cruel hand of humanity hasn’t reached, somewhere you can call your own, where you don’t have to worry about time, space or any other mathematical or physical entities that used to run your life.

Wouldn’t one be ready to sacrifice all he has, and all he possesses for a shred of freedom, to throw away safety and security for a glimpse of a free world that he’ll never see? Nelson Mandela once said “if you’re willing to sacrifice freedom for the sake of security then you deserve neither freedom nor security.”

Isn’t that the ultimate quest of life? A cause so noble that many have perished in order to protect, a desire so seductive that it can only be attained through bloodshed.
One might wonder how these images can link back to freedom, yet the young mind that is eager for knowledge can tell that while we fight so willingly for freedom we also fight for the beauty it brings, we fight for love and we fight for passion. Whether one likes to admit it or not we all, at the very end, fight for the survival of our bloodlines, with all its beauty and creativity, we all fight for earth and all the living that she holds.
And therefore it’s our task, our holy quest, as the youth of this time, to take on measures that will ensure the establishment of freedom and peace throughout love and understanding, and most importantly the survival of the beauty that unites us all.

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  1. […] where the news focuses sensationalizes violent action. This includes stories like YaLa Press’ photo essay for peace, and a story about the power of nonviolent Arbab action by the National Catholic Reporter, that […]

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