The Value of Imagination by Sara Haddou Amar, Morocco

Since my childhood education was a necessity in our family, the very reason to live. We should study hard, be the best and have good grades. Money was not an issue when it came to books or extra-classes, especially classes related to science and mathematics.

I have never questioned this “Program” we lived in, it was the only thing I knew and I was a perfect fit for it. For me, it was natural to look for a better life and prosperity by reaching a high education level. A diploma guarantees a good work position, a good salary, and especially it will earn me the “RESPECT” of society.

Our life was designed before we were even born. Our life was created based on the experience of our father. Education and excelling in science did save him and his family from poverty so we should follow the same path and never questioned it.

But what about what we want to be, what if we couldn’t excel in science, what if we found it boring or difficult? Well, the answer is, it doesn’t matter, you should try more even if it means to be miserable or lose your mind from the pressure.

I have watched my sister battling to succeed as society defines it. I have watched her gradually extinguish like a candle. I have watched her becoming lonely. I have watched her develop anxiety, and I have watched her becoming suicidal.

Your country doesn’t need musicians, artists, actors or writers, “SORRY”, the rich countries that own your country already have their own artists, and so you have to follow what the job market needs in order to be “Successful” and to be “Respected”.

Thousands of creative spirits are crushed under the pressure of “Earning a salary”. Unfortunately, the educational system and the cultural climate do not value imagination.



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