Happy Passover, the Holiday of Freedom, by Angy Shavit, from Israel

angyy Passover is the holiday of freedom. It is a time where we, the Jewish people celebrate our freedom. As our forefathers in Egypt wrote “Remember this day, on which you went out of Egypt.” But I know that one persons freedom comes in the expense of another mans restrictions. I know that I may be free, and I am thankful to my forefathers for this, but someone else is not. So this Passover I will think differently than every year. This Passover I will remember those who aren’t free and pray that one day they will have their own holiday of freedom. Because no one deserves restraint or restrictions. We all deserve to be free. This year I would like to wish everyone, Jewish or non-Jewish, to be free. Celebrate the holiday of freedom even if you aren’t free yet, because we must believe we will one day all be free, and live together. What does Passover mean to you?

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