Firas Allabbad from Syria today living in Zaatary Refugee Camp

13178595_1146097915450231_7641778473230255165_nThe phenomenon of Syrian men leaving their wives and children once they reach Europe is disturbingly high especially because there are no laws that protect women rights or that prevent husbands from running away from their responsibilities.

Because of the war, the social situation of Syrian women is destroyed and turned them into both mental and physical violence victims. Furthermore, the escape of husbands to Europe leaves their wives and children behind and has dragged them into the unknown. The situation made women play the role of both the mother and the father for their children.

In a related context, Asmaa AlEid, a social researcher and female issue activist said ,” I have been working in the camps for three years in order to study and check on women’s situation, and I can say that the Syrian women is the number one victim of the war in Syria, as it made her carry heavy responsibilities.”

She added,” The sad situation of the wives of the men who escaped to Syria is not different that the situation of the prisoner’s wives and widows. In both cases, the husband is lost alongside his financial and moral support during this situation. Sadly, these women do not receive any support from anyone, they are left to fight this terrible reality in camps and refuge countries without any support while they are suffering mental and physical crisis as well as being in a terrible financial situation,”

AlEid continues,” The phenomena of Syrian men leaving their wives and children once they reach Europe is disturbing especially that there is no law that protects women’s rights or prevent husbands from running away from responsibilities. The society is now facing a new phenomenon that none is aware of its danger neither in nor outside Syria.”

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