Video | Meet Fade, Syria

A short video assignment selected for the Special Edition of the November 19th Online Open House of the YaLa Academy’s Aileen Getty School of Citizen Journalism. The Open House was day to celebrate and showcase some of the incredible new media pieces created by youth from Israel, Palestine, Syria and all across the Middle East and Africa. Taking place at the half-way point in the program, we came together for a day of interactive learning and networking and to celebrate the progress made so far. On this day, the first round of student-generated content – blogs, photos and videos – was showcased on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, The Education District and YaLa Press ( This playlist features the videos selected for highlighting during the event, which also served as the world premiere of YaLa’s first mini-documentary: Tel Aviv-Ramallah-Kigali, a life-changing journey of understanding, peacebuilding and youth empowerment:…
The YaLa Academy’s Aileen Getty School of Citizen Journalism brings together leading journalists and new media experts to train Middle Eastern and Africa youth in basic journalism techniques, photo- and video-journalism and mobile activism. Building off a program launched in 2014 in partnership with the U.S. Institute of Peace, the program is a unique online program focused on new media communication and peace-building. In regions where media is too often a tool for nationalism, division and fear, YaLa citizen journalists are empowered to tell a different kind of story

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