SMILING DESPITE SUFFERING, by Islam, Algeria – photo essay –

Here is the city of Algiers which is the capital of Algeria. It is about 2,241 km away from Mali’s capital Bamako; this trip it took us a whole week. 

Myself and the rest of refugees crossed the main deserts of the world with the desire to reach Europe to escape the war and poverty occurring in Mali. Moussa tells me his story and his adventures in a dangerous journey through desert. I first met Moussa in front of the tramway station and was accompanied by his little brother who was on the streets begging in order to get money to cover the travel expenses to Europe across the sea in a boat. During a talk with Moussa he told me that the refugees camp in southern Algeria are worse than Bamako, so he ran away from them as well as his family as they sleep on the streets right now: #Black & #White. In these pictures the white color symbolizes hope and peace as for the black symbolizes the suffering and darkness.

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