Photo Essay | Bedouin Communities

These pictures were taken in three Bedouin communities in Area C of the West Bank, which are under threat of displacement: Khan Al-Ahmer, Abu Nawar and Susiya. Khan Al-Ahmer and Abu Nawar are located in what is called the E1 corridor, which separates the northern and southern parts of the West Bank. Plans have been made in the past to expand the Israeli settlement Maali Adumim in order to reach Jerusalem. If that were to happen, these two communities would be displaced, and more importantly, it would effectively separate the West Bank into two parts, essentially killing the two-state solution.

Susiya is located in the South Hebron hills, and it has received significant media attention over the last year or so, because of the international community’s interest in it. The Israeli government wants to remove the community to expand an iIllegal settlement, also called Susiya.

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