Behind the Gates of Death, There Is a New Life by AHMAD

GAZA, PALESTINE — The cancer that raged through the body of Eman, 45, a Palestinian lady from the Gaza Strip, was not the end of her life or her soul. It was the beginning of a new life and a new hope, a story worthy of being followed by every woman in the world.

I sat next to her and I introduced myself, asking about the conditions of the patients and the obstacles that they faced. I felt that this woman was talking about the other patients as if she were their mother.

Moments later, a group of cancer-stricken women sat together talking about their social situations, exchanging jokes, and laughing as if they were not suffering from any disease; they would even sometimes sing.

Eman was able to establish the Association of Aid and Hope for the Care of Cancer Patients, especially for the women, because the cancer patients in the Gaza Strip were unable to receive treatment inside and outside of Gaza because of the policy of prevention by the Israeli occupation, and the closure of the Rafah crossing with Egypt.

“62% of cancer patients are prevented from traveling and receiving the necessary treatment, which guarantees them a better life and faster treatment, and 35% of women are prohibited,” Eman said.

“Israeli prevention has intensified since July of last year, but we have succeeded in solving some humanitarian issues with the help of some Israeli human rights organizations.”

The high cost of cancer treatment, which is estimated at $10,000 per dose, is considered a large amount and not easy for the population of the Gaza Strip to afford, due to the poor economic situation.

Society is ruthless for women who suffer from cancer, they are considered to be just a number and death is the expected for them. According to a statement issued by the Association, women who suffer from cancer are divorced in Gaza.

“Time is shortening. But every day that I challenge this cancer and survive is a victory for me,” said Eman.

Life is a battle, one has to fight it fearlessly. Fighting with confidence, a positive attitude, the right aptitude, with determined and concerted efforts, leads to the surest path of success. Fortune is said to favor the brave. God also helps those who help themselves. A coward or a pessimist dare not even to fight in the race, it is the optimist with the determined soul, who dares to fight, who has the chance of success.

I left the place and I was thinking about how Eman, a sick person volunteering to serve other sick people to encourage and motivate them for a better life, sacrifices herself for others.

Her message to women who are sick with cancer is this, she says: “Cancer is not death, it is the beginning of new life, and they have to live the details of an experience.”

She has shown her unflinching determination, unfettered self-confidence, dedication, and devotion to the cause without worrying for the results and she is a winner.

A winner never quits and a quitter never wins; this shows that one who constantly tries to achieve something, one who tries hard to achieve something, she is the winner, sooner or later, but a quitter could never be a winner.

Eman is a model of the challenge and strength that many people lack, and a model for Palestinian women in particular. She always strives to make women smile, to provide them with positive energy, and help them overcome all the obstacles and challenges in their daily lives.

This short story changed my view of life, this struggling woman is a model of hope, she makes a new life for those who are on the edge of life.

Never give up.

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  1. […] By Ahmed Radwan, a human story from Gaza المصدر: Behind the gates of death, there is a new life, Ahmad, Gaza, Palestine […]

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