She Embraced The Sea For The First Time by Doha, Palestine

Frankly, I did not like the sea. Even though I had never visited, I had only seen it on television and it did not draw my eye.

But many sang of the sea and many took notice.

I also knew that the sea was connected to feelings and that people love to go there and speak of their feelings of longing, nostalgia, joy and even grief. When I once asked, “why do you like the sea?” I was told that the sea can hear you without boredom. You tell it everything without the fear that it refuses to hear you. The sea always hears you and tells you your sorrows. The sea is a whole world full of secrets. Whatever you know about it there always remains a mysterious part that you have not yet known.

After all this I was curious to see the sea to discover if a small part of it would stay in my memory forever and make me feel what others feel. I became eager to visit.

One day in second grade I was finishing the last days of school, which separated me from going to another school, and the teacher told us the date of our surprise trip and that it was going to be to the sea! I was very happy and impatiently waiting for the trip.

It took us a long time to get there but all this faded when I saw the sea from the window of the bus. It was a little far away but it was very beautiful, for heaven and earth was one piece.

There we were. We got out of the bus and I went quickly to the beach. I was close to the sea; I could walk on the wet sand and go into the waves.

The pure and clear reflection of the sun’s rays in the water is magnificent, as is the confluence of the sky and water, like a painting.

I did not want to end that day. It will be engraved in my memory forever, and I wish to visit the sea again.



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